
Social Security / Disability Income

Are you eligible for Social Security Income or Disability Income? Seeking benefits or understanding the eligibility/ application process? Are you looking to work and need information on how it will impact your benefits? You can access a benefits advisor by contacting Intake at WNYIL at (716) 836-0822 x 126.

Reaching out to Neighborhood Legal Services at

NLS Public Benefits

or contacting NY Connects at 1-888-564-5171  or 1-800-342-9871 For additional information and referrals to additional resources. You can also email [email protected] and we will connect you with a Certified Benefits Advisor.

Social Security Website

Learning to create, adjust and stick to a budget.  

The following links will take you to information and downloads to create a budget that works for you.  

Creating a Budget

Free Budgeting Tools

How to Setup a Budget

Learn Budgeting 

The following links provide information on Credit Scores  

What they are, what they mean to you and how to improve.  

Credit Score

Credit Scores

What is a Good Credit Score?

Credit Score Ranges

Understanding and Improving Your Credit Score